Hello everyone, and welcome to another of my articles. Today, I wish to provide some insight into Wah So Shiok’s direction for 2025.

In 2024, Wah So Shiok covered a variety of topics, such as the usual menswear (both locally and in Thailand), as well as home appliances. This has sparked questions from some, who felt that it was a tad unfocused for Wah So Shiok to go from reviewing suits one week to a massage chair the next.

As such, I thought it would be a good idea to clarify my intentions. For starters, Wah So Shiok has always been a reflection of my personal interests – the website started with reviewing microbrand watches, then shifted towards menswear as I entered my university days. When COVID hit (and menswear became temporarily irrelevant), the content pivoted to hotels as I utilised my SRV vouchers. As travel restrictions were lifted, Wah So Shiok not only reverted to menswear coverage but also expanded to airport lounge reviews and even overseas tailors as I went on a revenge travelling spree.

So when I got my own place, the content naturally veered towards home brands as well. Firstly, this makes the articles more authentic – I’m reviewing products I genuinely need instead of the “freebies” that brands offer. Secondly, I believe the content is relevant to my main demographic (late twenties to early thirties men) as well. Over the years, I’ve gotten feedback from tailors that most readers visit them to make either wedding suits or officewear for their first job. This means that a good portion of my readers will be moving into their own homes (BTOs, rentals, etc) and thus will also be searching for home brands. In other words, I write for the readers’ needs rather than staying in a specific content lane.

Nevertheless, I acknowledge the feedback and will thus be refocusing on menswear for 2025. I’ll still be doing lifestyle content (airport lounges, hotels, aesthetic clinics, etc), but the bulk (>60%) of my focus will be menswear content, particularly tailoring. Over the years, Wah So Shiok has carved out a niche in the tailoring segment – to date, there are still no other websites covering tailors (local or in Thailand) – and I hope to continue to blaze a trail in this regard.
Another change will be to focus on quality instead of quantity. Instead of twice a week, Wah So Shiok will only be publishing content once weekly moving forward. However, the content will be of higher quality and will be split into both written and video formats. For written articles, the angle will still be that of an in-depth, objective review. However, the video content will focus on telling the story behind the brands and letting viewers know more about the brand/brand owners. I got this inspiration from hawker stories videos on YouTube, and thought: “Why not do something similar for the brands that I feature?” I did a test run with the Bangkok tailors I visited last year and am in the midst of doing similar content with local brands for this year.

Lastly, I’ll also be making slight changes to my social media content, particularly my Instagram. I’ll be posting weekly outfits, and sharing with you guys my composed looks (e.g. how I pair formalwear, watches, shoes, accessories, and even perfumes together). Again, this is meant to double down on Wah So Shiok’s enhanced focus on menswear for 2025.

I started Wah So Shiok in 2017, so it’s crazy to think that this website has been running for almost 8 years. When I first started it as a blog, I could never have imagined that I would still be posting on the same platform 8 years later. I would like to believe that the raison d’etre of Wah So Shiok remains unchanged, which is to shine a spotlight on noteworthy brands for the everyday Singaporean. Through the additional video content this year, as well as a sharper social media presence, I hope that I will be able to fulfil that mission more effectively in an engaging manner.
If you’ve read to the end of this article, thank you for your support throughout all these years – it really means a lot.
P.S: Check out The Shiok Store here – it serves as a curation of my favourite products from my favourite brands.
P.P.S: Do check out the new “Discounts!” page for exclusive discounts for Wah so Shiok readers! More brands will be added very soon – stay tuned!
P.P.P.S: If you haven’t already, do follow my social media channels on Facebook here, on Instagram here, and on Youtube here.
P.P.P.P.S Shiok is a common word Singaporeans use to express admiration or approval. As of 2016, you can find the definition of the word in the Oxford English Dictionary.